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Rancho Cucamonga Public Library

Location: Rancho Cucamonga, California 

Size: 14,000 Square Feet, Design of Learning Islands 

Scope: Feasibility Study and Economic Impact, Visitor Experience Planning, Portable Exhibition Design 


When Rancho Cucamonga Public Library conceived of the idea to embed a children’s museum in the library, they hired Gyroscope to first conduct a feasibility study and then create a master plan. Funded by a grant from the California State Library, the master plan included architectural changes to the Library’s entry, wayfinding and second floor spaces. 



Pending implementation of the full plan, the Library decided to proceed with a pilot program of creating portable interactive exhibits for use in the Library. Gyroscope designed and fabricated five portable carts the Library named PALS.  The Library now has replicated many of the carts for other libraries to rent or purchase.

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